The Teen Friends of Archaeology is a youth-led organization committed to bringing the joy, love, and learning of archaeology to our generation.

““To excavate is to open a book written in the language that the centuries have spoken into the earth.”
― Spyridon Marinatos

What We Do:
The Teen Friends of Archaeology, based at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, is an entirely teen-led, teen-organized group dedicated to connecting young fellow history enthusiasts to great resources—and each other.
So far, we’ve organized a number of free, interactive talks featuring world-class experts, like Irving Finkel from the British Museum, Dr. Mary Miller from the Getty, and Dr. John Papadopoulos from the Cotsen, just to name a few.
We appreciate all of the archaeology aficionados who made our last few events such a success! More information on our approaching events can be found in the Upcoming Events page of this website.
We are also exploring opportunities for the Teen Friends to be a part of active archaeological expeditions in Southern California and elsewhere. So join up!