
Descriptive title
Object type(s)

Aluminum folding razor made by Bắc Phong Từ Võ Hạnh during his time in the "re-education" camps. The handle is engraved with floral motifs, the back edge of the blade is engraved with a geometric pattern. After becoming progressively paralyzed in his legs due to overwork and malnutrition, he crafted and carved this razor with the intention of using it to commit suicide on the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War on April 30th. He planned to slit his wrist and drip his blood into three stripes on a yellow cloth in order to create the flag of the Republic of Vietnam. He was eventually dissuaded by the thought of his family.

Current location
Rights description

Object donated to the Vietnamese Heritage Museum by Bắc Phong Từ Võ Hạnh
