Descriptive title
Jewelry Box
c. 1980
Object type(s)
Round aluminum jewelry box handmade by Bắc Phong Từ Võ Hạnh for his wife. The top lid is engraved with the words "Mừng Sinh Nhật Anne K Liên" (Happy Birthday Anne K Lien) and the image of an apple and a woman's face. The inside of the top lid is engraved with the letters R E N. The box lids are padded with round leather discs. The box was made from found metal, including a piece that has the Playboy bunny symbol on it.
Current location
Rights description
Object donated to the Vietnamese Heritage Museum by Bắc Phong Từ Võ Hạnh
Jewelry Box origin
Handmade by Bắc Phong Từ Võ Hạnh while in the "re-education" camp in Long Giao c. 1980
Jewelry Box Brought to the U.S.
Brought to the U.S. where Bắc Phong Từ Võ Hạnh was resettled
Jewelry Box Donated to the Vietnamese Heritage Museum
Donated by Bắc Phong Từ Võ Hạnh to the Vietnamese Heritage Museum in 2019