Group 7: The Modern Odyssey
Introduction to The Modern Odyssey
Refugee data visualization and discussion tend to minimize the troubles that refugees experience en route to their new country. Often represented as minuscule dots that dehumanize and delegitimize their odysseys, refugees are often seen as threats to their relocated country rather than simply humans seeking a better life free of violence and oppression. We seek to critique those inhumane representations.
Our Goal:
Our exhibit aims to highlight the harrowing journeys that refugees, now and throughout history, survive to reach a better life.
To do so, we developed 3 themes that explore the journey of refugees, taking artifacts from various periods and comparing and contrasting them. Taking perspective from both greco-roman and Vietnamese contexts allows our exhibit to highlight and build a communal understanding of what it’s like to be a historical and modern refugee.
Before Perspective
The before perspective builds a more personal and humanistic perspective to these various refugee stories. Through presenting moments in time before refugees were even considered to be refugees, exhibit visitors are granted a greater understanding and empathetic context to the various narratives we wish to highlight.
The Battle with the Sagittary and the Conference at Achilles’ Tent

General Overview
The tapestry depicts a scene of the Trojan War, as Greek warriors are fighting against the Sagittary, who is fighting on the side of the Trojans countered by a scene of a truce being written. It can be seen in the tapestry the bewildered look on the Sagittary’s face, showing the trouble that the Trojans may be up against.
Connection to the Theme
Before the end of the Trojan war, the Trojans face danger around every corner. Refugees must be on constant surveillance and anxiety in their home countries, explaining their flight, both then and now.
General Overview
The creator of the razor hand-carved the engravings within the handle and the edge of the blade. Due to the paralysis in his legs caused by overworking and malnutrition, he made this razor with the intent to use it for his suicide, but was persuaded against the act by his family.
Connection to the Theme
The creation and intentions behind this razor symbolize how the harsh conditions that refugees went through affected their desire to continue towards a better life. The precise engravings show how he would still want to end his life beautifully and meaningfully.
During Perspective
The during perspective showcases the perils and hardships of refugees, with a focus on personal artifacts and depictions of their stories.
The Siren Vase

General Overview
This vase depicts Odysseus and his men traveling home from war. Sirens attempt to lure the men to their deaths, depicting conflict and their journey back from war.
Connection to Theme
Displays the ancient perspective and reality that even on your journey home, there are other factors that may effect your journey home. Potentially linked to the ‘Shirt with Bullet Hole’ Vietnamese refugee object, juxtaposing ancient and modern perspectives of Refugee journeys.
Shirt with Bullet Hole
General Overview
Escaping Vietnam in 1981, Nguyen Long Chi encountered pirates and was shot; other people on the boat were robbed and sexually assaulted. 2 days later, the boat with land in Malaysia
Connection to Theme
The shirt shows the violent and tragic reality behind refugee journeys and how dangerous it really is. The bullet hole acts as a testament to how far Vietnamese Refugees were willing to go for their own freedom and security. These tribulations during flight are rarely shown in traditional data-centered models that depict the path as a straight line.
General Overview
This metal military compass belonged to Ngo Van Thu who fled Vietnam in 1986. Thu used this compass to lead 149 passengers to Malaysia by boat. During this time, compasses were one of the most desired items as they were rare and confiscated by local police.
Connection to Theme
Despite having to bury the compass for safekeeping, its symbolism represents the bravery and resourcefulness of refugees, to use and guide refugees on their individual journeys.
Boat of Hope
General Overview
Departing from Vietnam in 1984, the Boat of Hope transported eight adults and one child, journeying for seven days before being picked up by a French bulk carrier.
Connection to Theme
Shows a physical example of the conditions some refugees had to face on their journeys, and offers the perspective of picturing one’s self inside the boat. A visible artifact like this is crucially missing from most modern refugee models as they are poor at depicting the true difficulty of flight.
After Perspective
The after perspective displays refugees after the reach their destinations, highlighting challenges, and personal impact of undergoing such harrowing journeys.
Trojan Women Set Fire to Their Fleet
Claude Lorrain

General Overview
This painting depicts a scene after the Trojan War where Trojan women set fire to their fleet. After wandering 7 years after the fall of Troy, the women decide it is time to put an end to the Trojans' wandering and settle in Sicily as their new home. These events were called on to set Aeneas' journey to lead the refugees out of Troy to their new future home.
Connection to Theme
This painting shows the emotions of the Trojan women, fed up from wandering after so long. After years of wandering, they decide it is time to finally put their suffering to an end to find a new home. Unfortunately for modern refugees, finding a home is not as simple as that.
Z30D Prisoner Uniform
General Overview
A woman’s prisoner shirt worn by Lieutenant Nguyen Thanh Thuy after her 13 years in the Z30D re-education prison camp in Thuan Hai, Vietnam. Her experience in prison mentally affected her several years after she was already released.
Connection to Theme
This uniform serves as a reminder of the violence and trauma experienced and received before relocation. Nguyen Thanh Thuy faced PTSD after her long imprisonment, triggered by the sound of keys. Only after getting treatment was she able to overcome her trauma. Refugees suffer from a variety of illnesses stemming from their experiences which is often overlooked in modern retelling.
Diary of Refugee in Thai Prison
General Overview
The diary recounts the journey from Vietnam of Nguyen Doan: escaped on a boat, attacked by pirates, girl was stolen, attacked by pirates again, killed pirates, sent to jail.
Connection to Theme
The diary’s cute and unassuming exterior betrays the harrowing experiences within, perhaps can be used as an allegory for the first world’s perspective of refugee struggles.
Connection and Conclusion
The implications of our project and how we hope to aid refugees and refugee representation.
Through our digital exhibit, we hope to bring light to the reality of the refugee experience. We want to bright to light both the positive and negative, but most importantly the human, aspects of refugeehood, whether it be through the journey or the emotional effects.
By touching upon the before, during, and after perspectives, we hope to highlight the humanistic perspective on refugees. Building an understanding of the different periods of a refugee journey, How it is a reoccurring problem through many periods (In Greco-Roman times to modern times) Allowing space for empathy: “I keep my tattered memories of being a refugee close to me.” - Viet Thanh Nguyen