04 Remind Author

How to remind an author to submit their contribution

  1. Log in to the UEE eScholarship system.
  2. Once you are logged in, you will be on the UEE eScholarship Home Page. Under UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology in the middle of the page, you see a link to “Manage Section”. Clicking on this link will open a list of articles “In Review” in your section.
  3. Select the article topic you would like to pursue.
  4. On the summary page click on the email icon to the right of the author’s name. This will open the UEE eScholarship email.
  5. Add uee@humnet.ucla.edu to the cc field.
  6. Edit the Subject line to “Reminder - UEE Contribution”.
  7. Copy the appropriate template into the body.
  8. Attach the Guide for Contributors through the Attachments field and click Upload.
  9. Click Send.