Photogrammetry: Creating 3D Models from Photographs

Workshop Recordings
Anthony Caldwell, Assistant Director of the UCLA Digital Research ConsortiumThursday, July 2nd 2020 10:00am – 12:00pm (PT)Photogrammetry, or Structure-from-Motion, is a technique for constructing three dimensional models from a series of photographs. This technique can be utilized by archaeologists to record objects, features, and sites both quickly and relatively inexpensively. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to systematically photograph objects and the steps to processing these photographs into a 3D model with Agisoft’s MetaShape (previously named PhotoScan).
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PXRF Analysis: You’ve collected your data. Now what?

Workshop Recordings
Vanessa Muros, Director of the Experimental and Archaeological Sciences LabThursday, June 25th 2020 10:00am – 12:00pm (PT)Portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy has become a widely used analytical tool in the fields of archaeology and conservation for the non-destructive elemental analysis of cultural heritage materials. But once you’ve collected your data, how do you interpret it?  This workshop will provide a general introduction to the three types of pXRF data that can be generated (qualitative, quantitative, and semi-quantitative) and through the use of case studies, illustrate how the data can be interpreted and used to answer research questions about cultural heritage.
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